- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.KITCARNord25862 128 027.71 t.2
2.ARNO67Alsace984417 332.88 t.576
3.WOREKBourgogne959770 093.33 t.143
4.CHDAC2Nord8981 944 623.71 t.0
5.ALEX2333Limousin767188 962.80 t.143
6.STEPHGPays de la Loire751600 188.06 t.75
7.CHCOQPicardie711475 086.96 t.18
8.KENTIN45310Centre6841 433 129.86 t.338
9.APOAXYARNord61827 758.05 t.580
10.AGRIPILOUBasse-Normandie597380 990.64 t.9
11.CASSISAquitaine546448 508.34 t.346
12.ARAGNUSPoitou-Charentes507953 240.16 t.0
13.LE TERRIENCentre471534 291.37 t.36
14.VENDEE 3Pays de la Loire441185 654.90 t.7
15.PATOO351Champagne-Ardennes425476 061.08 t.30
16.DUDU FORESTIERLanguedoc-Roussillon413398 577.96 t.33
17.JBLEROI123Aquitaine409670 438.46 t.180
18.NONO904Aquitaine396264 007.63 t.155
19.BIPBIP17Poitou-Charentes381206 951.89 t.2
20.JDHEINSVIGNord378640 261.24 t.136
21.GAEC DE LA TEINTURIEREHaute-Normandie356535 397.48 t.234
22.BILOUTELimousin348516 311.75 t.230
23.PIERRE9959Haute-Normandie346929 703.15 t.1
24.FLOFLODU76870Haute-Normandie343241 656.41 t.0
25.SICUTNord331722 130.96 t.402

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