- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.ZINNIACentre77437 118 127.95 t.3 004
2.MAVRICIle-de-France54663 066 473.95 t.625
3.MOLAKChampagne-Ardennes29712 743 738.39 t.1 023
4.MAGNUSAquitaine29432 288 838.16 t.4 532
5.EARL SYLVAINNord2684459 696.54 t.1 489
6.DJIROPicardie1950286 845.08 t.0
7.BARACUDA400Limousin1478589 950.43 t.1 909
8.SARL CEDRICPicardie1405562 669.81 t.766
9.MICHOU53410Pays de la Loire12671 781 232.42 t.148
10.QUENTIN76Haute-Normandie1089565 484.67 t.1 418
11.RAMOSCentre790585 552.97 t.145
12.BATMAN222Pays de la Loire586349 348.37 t.1 457
13.FERNANDPicardie546148 296.96 t.59
14.MAXOUDU3517Poitou-Charentes483714 085.01 t.90
15.MATBOULimousin432212 309.44 t.18
16.JéROME63Auvergne424628 477.81 t.0
17.VANHOOTENMidi-Pyrénées37295 663.58 t.211
18.ETS JEANNEAUPoitou-Charentes36458 226.23 t.96
19.TRANSPORT DU DOMEAuvergne350175 003.93 t.0
20.NICO62Nord329220 130.10 t.0
21.DéDé551Pays de la Loire3130.00 t.385
22.FLORENT14Basse-Normandie28425 101.10 t.96
23.FLO38Rhône-Alpes260102 155.96 t.0
24.FLORIAN60420Picardie223122 203.70 t.2
25.ACKNOPoitou-Charentes210274 122.38 t.18

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To manage a regional cooperative you must declare yourself as a potentiel partner.

To build an industrial cheese dairy you first have to get a building permit.