- Equipment dealers rankings -
  • Only sales fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account.
  • Updated today at 02:45
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RankEquipment dealerLocationNb. salesTurnoverProfits
1.KENTIN45310CENTRE138039 853 703.001 466 651.00
2.POPICHCENTRE125626 493 449.001 853 549.00
3.KEVIN62132NORD64717 199 892.00618 928.00
4.ARNO67ALSACE4898 950 990.00618 237.90
5.CHMANU62380CENTRE47712 267 544.00431 343.50
6.GUIGUIGTIHAUTE-NORM...46630 878 200.002 306 296.00
7.DAM59660NORD45923 026 135.00835 172.50
8.BAYN71BOURGOGNE45621 259 920.00771 090.00
9.ADRIFAILYHAUTE-NORM...45534 509 200.002 420 294.00
10.CASSISAQUITAINE4189 719 226.00497 846.70
11.EARL GIARDHAUTE-NORM...37428 190 770.001 973 213.90
12.PIERRE9959HAUTE-NORM...34822 174 910.001 534 399.50
13.BRUD37CENTRE30014 012 775.00816 838.30
14.CHCOQPICARDIE2679 186 326.00333 191.00
15.VENDEE 3PAYS DE LA...26218 324 640.001 315 526.80
16.FABIEN14CENTRE25914 720 650.001 018 915.50
17.MARCUS37CENTRE2417 846 400.00543 018.00
18.BONBON18CENTRE2369 829 000.00688 030.00
19.MAXDELAPPICARDIE2356 164 014.00222 984.00
20.PANA78CENTRE23333 763 112.001 212 375.60
21.ZINNIACENTRE22925 419 915.001 305 495.00
22.CHDAC2NORD21521 434 995.00767 283.50
23.JUJUTITIALORRAINE20918 470 463.00673 793.75
24.CEREAL 45CENTRE2077 597 132.00261 473.50
25.SICUTNORD20524 912 530.00960 287.00

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