- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.KITCARNord26252 149 965.66 t.2
2.ARNO67Alsace1042443 671.37 t.658
3.WOREKBourgogne972786 483.78 t.143
4.CHDAC2Nord9692 018 554.51 t.0
5.ALEX2333Limousin768190 356.57 t.151
6.STEPHGPays de la Loire660591 908.69 t.75
7.CHCOQPicardie629309 200.86 t.18
8.APOAXYARNord61533 821.68 t.584
9.KENTIN45310Centre6011 151 522.95 t.329
10.ARAGNUSPoitou-Charentes5781 104 525.78 t.0
11.AGRIPILOUBasse-Normandie576352 170.29 t.10
12.CASSISAquitaine540416 652.81 t.356
13.LE TERRIENCentre477477 504.40 t.36
14.DUDU FORESTIERLanguedoc-Roussillon439428 186.71 t.33
15.BIPBIP17Poitou-Charentes425222 588.15 t.2
16.PATOO351Champagne-Ardennes415493 905.51 t.27
17.JBLEROI123Aquitaine397562 602.43 t.180
18.NONO904Aquitaine390256 255.63 t.170
19.SICUTNord386754 063.98 t.402
20.BILOUTELimousin371538 470.28 t.265
21.GAEC DE LA TEINTURIEREHaute-Normandie366553 356.65 t.234
22.MOLAKChampagne-Ardennes36343 169.33 t.206
23.PIERRE9959Haute-Normandie3541 002 622.82 t.1
24.JDHEINSVIGNord347558 719.63 t.124
25.EDOUARD70Franche-Comté339357 958.11 t.455

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